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What is LIVING PEACE about?

LIVING PEACE – that was the annual theme of the Catholic relief organisations together with the German dioceses for 2020. They wanted to set a sign of understanding, reconciliation and openness to the world. The focus was also on the aspects of social cohesion, interreligious dialogue and climate justice.

In the Archdiocese of Munich and Freising, the resident Catholic relief organisations (MISEREOR in Bavaria, Renovabis and Missio Munich) are once again taking up the annual theme in a joint ART PROJECT with the Domberg Academy and the Department for the Universal Church.

The artist Johannes Volkmann from Das Papiertheater Nuremberg has created a concept for this in three parts.

Signet Kunstprojekt Frieden Leben

The project year starts with an art installation on Odeonsplatz in Munich: A 3-metre high paper bag surrounded by around 250 small paper bags – all printed with the question What do I contribute? For a peaceful world.

A variety of accompanying events invite children, young people and adults to creatively search for answers.

The paper bags will be sent to people around the world during the project year in order to make thinking about and working for peace visible. Individuals, groups and institutions are invited to creatively design these paper bags and/or use them for their educational work and public relations. Detailed information on the action can be found here.

The art installation will be on display at various locations in Munich as part of a travelling exhibition. More information about the stations can be found here.

The closing event on Friday, July 01, 2022 in Nuremberg will present a large art installation with designed paper bags from all over the world. Thousands of stories of peace are thus made visible and expressed in a theatrical premiere.

The project film

Participate in LIVING PEACE

Signet Kunstprojekt Frieden Leben

What do I contribute? For a peaceful world
The paper bag offers many possibilities to find answers to this question:

  • The front: Space for your own thoughts, texts and pictures…
  • The back: Space for the exchange with families, friends, or strangers…
  • The interior: Space for stories or objects on LIVING PEACE…

Feel free to send us a photo of your designed paper bag to info[at] or send us your bag by post until 15th June 2022 to:
Domberg-Akademie / Untere Domberggasse 2 / 85354 Freising / Germany

All entries will be part of the final event on Fr, 1st July 2022 at Nuremberg.

Do you still have bags left over from your order and you would be happy if other people/activities can still use them? Here, too, we are happy to receive returns to the above address so that we can pass them on to other interested parties and groups.

Free workshops for school classes of all school types and groups are also offered as part of the hands-on campaign, in which the participants get to know the art project and are instructed in designing their own “paper bag of peace”. Enquiries about the workshop by email to bildung-muenchen[at]missio.deor by phone at +49895162238.

Come to our exciting events!

We are stunned by the Russian attack and invasion of Ukraine. We stand in solidarity with everyone affected by the war.
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final event
The art project comes to an end. A large final exhibition with a theater premiere will present the collected works of peace from people around the world...
So, 08. Mai 2022 - Mo, 06. Juni 2022 / Mo-So 9-19 Uhr / St. Josef-Kirche, Pfarrweg 4, 83607 Holzkirchen
So, 05. Juni 2022 / 10.30 Uhr / St. Josef-Kirche, Pfarrweg 4, 83607 Holzkirchen
Mo, 13. Juni 2022 - Mi, 15. Juni 2022 / Mo-Mi 10-18 Uhr / Exerzitienhaus Himmelspforten Mainaustraße 42, 97082 Würzburg
Fr, 1st July 2022 / 6.00-7.30 pm, St. Egidien, Egidienplatz 12, 90403 Nuremberg

LIVING PEACE – A project by...

Impressions from our events

You would like to LIVE PEACE or have questions? Contact us.